Everyone in the Family Needs to Take a Trip to the Local Eye Doctor


It is important for people of all ages to visit their eye doctor on a regular basis. Those in Apex, NC will find a trip to their local Clarity Vision eye care center to be a rewarding experience for every member of the family from the smallest child to the oldest adult. While it’s advisable to drop by the eye care center every year, there are guidelines to follow for each age range. Take note of these to make sure that the vision of each family member is in the best condition.


Adults that wear glasses or contact lenses need to see their eye doctor at least once a year. These exams allow the doctor to determine if there has been any change in your vision in the past twelve months. An updated prescription will provide you with glasses and contact lenses that offer you the best possible vision. They will also test your eyes for any possible health issues as well as problems with reading fine print. Read more on this article: http://bit.ly/2xcS7Aq

The Top Signs that You Need to See an Optometrist About Eyeglasses


When your vision is no longer as good as it once was, it’s better you start wearing glasses. Prescription lenses can go a long way in helping correct your vision problems. That said, patients oftentimes don’t realize that the issues with their vision require wearing corrective lenses. Because of this, the problem gets worse and it becomes harder and harder for them to read things off the screen or even spot objects around them.

In order to avoid making your vision problems worse, it’s important to see an optometrist right away to see if you may need to start wearing glasses. To guide you, here are some telling signs that indicate you may need to put on a pair soon:


Frequent headaches may be indication that you have vision problems. Your throbbing head may be due to astigmatism or farsightedness. With astigmatism, both distant and close objects can appear blurry. With glasses, your eyes can focus better and reduce the frequency of headaches. Read more on this Article: http://bit.ly/2wsPMxN

What are Your Eyes Trying to Tell You? An Eye Doctor Can Help You


According to the National Eye Institute, cataracts remain as the most prevalent eye problem in the United States. Surprisingly, though, the second place was taken by diabetic retinopathy, with over 7.7 million Americans suffering from this condition.

This could only indicate that our eyes can be a diagnostic tool for other systemic diseases. Of course, this is not easy to do and further examinations will be needed before establishing the correct final diagnosis. Below are some of the diseases that your eye doctorcan diagnose through an eye examination.

Read more on this Article: http://bit.ly/2uPYtRP


Young Man Squinting, Trying To Review The Information Closer. Vi

From the moment you wake up, you start to rely on your eyes to be able to do everything for the rest of the day. Aside from your limbs, it is your eyes that allow you to be truly mobile.

Just like any part of your body, your eyes need constant care. Any problems in the eye can diminish your vision drastically and even lead to blindness in some cases. This is why it’s important to have your eyes checked out the moment you think you may have some eye trouble. In fact, if you start experiencing any of the symptoms below, it’s time to head to an eye care center, such as the Clarity Vision location in Apex, NC right away:

Constant Headaches

Do you feel like your head is pounding most of the time? While your headaches can mean that you are just experiencing eye fatigue, it could also be a sign that you have a more serious eye problem. Read more from this blog: http://bit.ly/2q8RkJo

Eye Care Center: 5 Quick Tips to Help Maintain the Health of Your Eyes


Good vision is one of the most important senses we have. Unfortunately, it is also one of the senses many people take for granted. In fact, a study from the American Academy of Ophthalmology states that more than 2.9 million Americans suffer from low vision. Over 50 million more suffer from refractive errors and/or eye diseases.

Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to help you maintain the health of your eyes. Many of these steps can easily be integrated into your everyday routine. Some of the preventive measures your eye doctor may suggest include:

Take a Break from the Screen

There’s no denying that today’s world is a digital one. Unfortunately, staring at computer, television, or smartphone screens for too long can easily strain your eyes and blur your vision. Read more on this article. http://bit.ly/2oGW3C1

Keratoconus Diagnosis With Help from a Trusted Eye Doctor in Apex, NC


Keratoconus is a non-inflammatory, progressive eye condition where the cornea, which is typically dome-shaped, thins and bulges out. The cornea is important to normal vision. Light enters into the eyes through the cornea, which refracts it in order for people to see clearly. Keratoconus distorts the cornea, affecting vision and making activities, such as reading, driving, and watching television difficult. An eye care center in Apex, NC provides different treatment methods to keratoconus.

Keratoconus’ Incidence and Symptoms

The exact incidence of keratoconus is undetermined. It is uncommon, but not necessarily rare, as it is estimated to affect 1 out of every 2,000 people. An eye doctor can diagnose young people with keratoconus in their puberty or late teenage years. It affects people from all over America and the world. Keratoconus may be genetic too. If a patient has children, he/she should have their eyes checked as early as the age 10.

The initial stages of keratoconus produce minor blurring and vision distortion, as well as enhanced light sensitivity. These symptoms frequently occur during the later teenage years and early twenties. Keratoconus can get worse for 10 to 20 years before it stabilizes. It can likewise have different impacts on each eye .Read more on this article. http://bit.ly/2mdUBor


An Eye Care Center Lists Common Eye Problems and Their Main Causes



Although old age can be a contributing factor to deteriorating eyesight, it is not uncommon to see young adults and kids suffering from different eye problems. The causes might be different but their effects are the same – poor vision that affects an individual’s overall performance.

An eye care center in Apex, NC shares their data on some of the most common eye problems today and how to avoid them. Here are a few:

Refractive Errors

Considered as the most common vision problem, a refractive error can be classified as either farsightedness (hyperopia), nearsightedness (myopia), astigmatism, or presbyopia. Each of these refraction errors are caused by the way the incoming light is bent as it passes through the cornea and lens for the image to focus on the retina and for relay to the brain through the optic nerves. If there are problems with the eyeball’s length, the cornea’s shape, or the age of the lens, refractive errors may result. Read more on this article http://bit.ly/2kMTMTx.

Common Conditions Elderly People Seek Eye Care Center Treatment For

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Here’s an oft-repeated yet oft-ignored fact: one in three people over the age of 65 have impaired vision. Once you’ve reached this age, it’s important to be aware that you’re more likely to develop eye issues than younger people. These issues may include cataracts, glaucoma and macular degeneration. But there are indicators and symptoms for eye conditions so you know what to watch out for.

It’s important to receive diagnosis and treatment from an optometrist for these conditions. Schedule regular visits to your eye care center and let your doctor know about any issues you’ve been experiencing.


Cataracts occur when the lens of your eye clouds over due to the buildup of proteins. This happens gradually, so you may find the clouding gets worse as you get older. Symptoms of cataracts include objects in your line of vision appearing yellow and blurred and an increased sensitivity to glare. Read more on this article. http://bit.ly/2oA7puA

The Ideal Pair: See Clearly With the Help of an Apex, NC Eye Doctor

People who have worsening vision have several options available to them. This can range from complicated laser surgery to simple eyeglasses. For those on a tight budget, eyeglasses are the best option; however, you’ll need to pick the right ones to appreciate your view through clear and proper vision lenses. Consulting with any reputable Apex, NC eye doctor to test your eyes and get fitted with the right eyeglasses is a virtual no-brainer. You do need to see clearly to stay safe. Rick Ansorge, in his article for Newsmax Health, offers a few tips on how to choose the lenses for your glasses:
